How Much Does It Cost to Develop an Online Grocery Delivery App?

November 11, 2020 | Sakshi Sharma

For the past few years, grocery delivery app development has gained quite a bit of popularity. The need for an on-demand grocery delivery app has reached a new level mainly due to the sudden outbreak of Coronavirus. When it comes to the grocery sector, it is said that the industry is most likely to reach just over $38 billion by 2021. 55% of the youth between the ages of 25 and 34 years comprise the rapidly growing online grocery app community. On the other hand, users between 34 to 45 years old and 45 to 54 years include 45% and 35%.

By the year 2022, it is expected that the number of grocery app users will rise to over 30 million. The rising number of grocery apps has paved the path for success and opportunities for a plethora of app development companies. If you plan to develop a grocery app, you will need the help of experts like the ones at SDI who are proficient in delivering a full-service grocery app in 2-4 months.

Grocery App Development Cost

One of the biggest questions people ask is what is the cost of a grocery delivery app. So before digging into more about the grocery delivery app, let’s get a handle on the cost. First of all, you need to know that grocery delivery apps are a long and continuous process that includes several skills and factors. Thus, it is challenging to depict the cost of creating apps for grocery stores, but a rough estimate would cost anywhere between $6,000 to $12,000.

Mainly, the app development cost depends on the needs of the client and the application features required. Besides this, the price is also based on the app’s complexity, the region in which the app is suited, and the number of platforms it needs to be developed. Choosing SDI to develop your grocery app means you will get a fair price that is right for you. We will help you determine exactly what is needed because of our experience and knowledge from creating other grocery apps.

Some Crucial Features of a Grocery Vendor App

The features of your grocery app are similar to if you develop an app like Instacart. The features include:

1. Registration

It might sound easy to accomplish the initial registration, but in reality, it does require a considerable amount of time and effort. It is essential to make the enlistment procedure as simple as possible to attract visitors and transform them into potential clients.

2. Area

The area module plays a crucial role under the grocery app as it shows their efficiency and shows the nearby stores. Google is one of the most popular mapping guides used in apps. Secondly, the area the client has chosen is based on his current location by the Google API. The client can also select the area manually. This feature forms a significant part of the online grocery app cost.

3 .Get a Hold on the Delivery Promise and Quality

Apps for online grocery businesses tend to have a delivery promise of 30 minutes to 1 hour in general. The online grocery delivery app also shows the time required for each shop to deliver. Based on the client’s availability, they should be able to choose a time now or plan a time at a future date.

The Must-Have Online Grocery Store App Features

You might end up wasting a fortune if you fail to understand the must-haves of the grocery delivery app. The app must have the client application, including client profile, number of stores, menus/things in stock, truck/request page, and request status. It should also have a delivery application and administrator panel.

The Benefits of Grocery Delivery Mobile Apps

Experts who are grocery delivery app builders suggest that on-demand grocery mobile apps offer several benefits to both consumers and the companies, such as:

• Time-Savings: When you find a grocery delivery near me, you don’t have to physically visit the store, saving a lot of time.

• Round-The-Clock Availability: The best part about ordering groceries through apps is that they are open 24*7, and users can order groceries as per their convenience.

• Saves Money: Some grocery apps provide several discounts, saving a considerable chunk of money.

• Convenience: Customers in today’s era are only looking for feasibility and convenience, and they receive both of them with the help of grocery delivery mobile apps.

As we have seen, grocery apps have gained prominence and are here to stay. Whether you are a huge chain, a local shop or a farm stand a grocery delivery app is very beneficial. If you plan to develop a grocery delivery app or are interested in learning more, you can connect with the experts at SDI now at or call us at +1.408.621.8481.

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