Custom SaaS Solutions for Your Business

April 23, 2018 | Rob LaPointe

If you are a small, medium, or large business you can always benefit from a custom SaaS solution. From a large business managing all the different departments to a small business just trying to sort invoices, there are so many benefits for any size business. It could be a wide range of needs but it doesn’t matter because these solutions will be your best friend.

How Does It Work

The cloud computing industry has been in fast forward mode ever since the arrival of SaaS which as made things a lot easier than we think. Understanding SaaS and exploring the way it works or how it can facilitate your business isn’t easy. Most of the Entrepreneurs underestimate the various performance parameters and indicators and that’s why they fail.

Saas is a web-based model where the software vendor will host and maintain the servers, databases, and code that constitutes the application. The Entrepreneurs, SMB owners, and Enterprises can rent or buy this software and they can leverage that service. Most of the time the IT responsibilities and ability to run the software is taken care by the vendor itself.

The Software as a Service model is a natural fit for any business whose goal is to reduce the IT responsibilities and cost. The most popular examples of SaaS applications are Microsoft Office 365,, Dropbox, Amazon Web service, Google G Suite, Zendesk, and Shopify to name a few.

SaaS – Suitability for your Business

Suitability of SaaS depends majorly on the nature of your business. Does your business application spike and reduce significantly? If so, then the SaaS model is a perfect choice for you. If your business really needs support for multiple devices, then the SaaS model may be more effective than others.

Since there is no need for server configurations and software updates, this model is best suited for Start-ups who want to launch their E-commerce site quickly and projects that need short-term collaborations. When deployed correctly, SaaS could be the game-changing factor that streamlines your business by decreasing your IT infrastructure needs and providing you with the exceptional speed of implementation and unmatchable customer experience.

Benefits of SaaS model

Business models are evolving alongside technology and as a business owner, you have to do ground research on the right choice for your business considering the long-term advantages that help you to keep up with or surpass the competition. Small and mid-sized businesses, enterprises and entrepreneurs have started to leverage this SaaS model since it offers the ease to scale, maintains and deploy applications that are comparatively more efficient than the on-premise software. The key benefits of SaaS business model are:

    ♦ Forget About Your Hardware Costs

    With SaaS, you don’t need to worry about installing and running your applications on your computers and data centers.

    ♦ Accessibility, Scalability & Upgradation

    SaaS applications let you access the service from anywhere on any handheld devices with high scalability, giving you access to more or fewer features based on your business needs. The entire upgradations are made by the SaaS providers on a periodic basis.

    ♦ Cost Effective & Affordable

    Unlike other traditional software, SaaS does not require any huge upfront cost since this is usually based on the subscription model. This multi-tenant environment model is free from hardware and software licensing costs and thus enables you to invest this capital into your core business.

Nothing is perfect, of course, SaaS applications also have their own limitations. When sensitive data of your business & processes are entrusted to a third party SaaS vendor, issues such as identity and access management has to be addressed. It is also a must for the businesses who are opting for SaaS models to understand the government compliances with respect to the terms of storing the customer’s data on a remote server.

Although SaaS may cut costs for your business, the downfall is you are still paying for a service. In some cases paying a subscription is exactly what you need but on the other hand, you could have your own custom SaaS that is better than any SaaS service. What if you create your own SaaS that is perfect for your business and then sells that to other businesses like yours to use.

Make Your Competition Your Customers

This may sound odd but believe it or not, you can make your competitors your customers. If you decide to hire developers to build a custom SaaS model for you, think about how much your competition would pay to use the same thing. This is the ultimate business move. It’s one thing to use something for yourself but it’s another to also sell that software for others to use.

Right now most businesses are paying to use someone else’s software to help run their day to day operations. Not to say that’s a bad thing, it’s great but why not make money instead of spending it. The money spent on developing the software for your business will be paid back quickly once released into the market.

You may be thinking why doesn’t everyone do this. Well, there are many reasons why businesses don’t do it. For the small percentage of business owners who decide to take that plunge, they reap the benefits.

How can Software Developers help your Business grow big?

Recently we had a request from one our valuable clients to build a SaaS application for running and managing their shop. SDI created a business solution that they now use to completely run the business as well as offer that solution as a subscription to all of the competitors throughout the U.S. Our client’s inspiration was to stop paying for software which had forced them to adjust their business processes.

SDI, a SaaS company has created and offered a solution that can be customized per user to meet their needs. The ROI for businesses is quick because they now have a solution that was built for their business type and by a business owner who has 20+ years of experience.

Likewise, we can support businesses and software vendors to launch their first viable Software as a Service product by being with you in planning, developing, architecting, deploying and scaling to convert your competitors into customers.

Tell us your vision today by reaching us at 408.805.0495 / 408.621.8481 or email to drive your business better than ever!

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