Recently Laid off? It Could Be the Greatest Thing That Could Have Ever Happened

June 23, 2017 | Rob LaPointe

Have you recently been laid off from your job? If so, congratulations. After you get over the initial shock and anger, you just might find that losing your job is the best thing that ever happened to you.

It may seem counterintuitive, and being thankful for a job loss is a big ask. Even so, being laid off creates the kind of adversity that spurs people into action, and it is that action that creates great companies and great entrepreneurs.

Just consider that the business world is full of entrepreneurs who always wanted to make a difference but resisted because they were stuck in a rut or comfortable where they were. Once that source of comfort and security was removed, those household name entrepreneurs were suddenly free to pursue their passions, and the world is a much better place because of it.

It can be hard to see losing your job as a blessing in disguise, especially when you have bills to pay. Keep in mind, there are plenty of people who have been where you are now, and lots of examples of entrepreneurs who were spurred to action not in spite of, but because of, the adversity they faced.

There are millions of men and women who have started to pursue their dreams after the security and comfort of a steady job were removed from the picture. Just think of it this way – when you are working 40 hours a week (or more), you probably have little time and energy left to pursue the things you are truly passionate about. You may have some vague ideas about a business you would start if you had the time. Maybe you have even taken some preliminary steps, like setting up a website or starting a blog.

Even so, the nine-to-five grind had kept you stuck on the treadmill, unable to pursue your dreams or build your business. Now that you have nothing but time, you can finally start to work toward your dreams, building a business from the ground up and becoming the entrepreneur you always knew you could be.

If you have recently joined the ranks of those laid off workers, you can turn what would otherwise be the worst day of your life into the day your life finally changed for the better. If you are ready to pursue your entrepreneurial passions, and start building a business, you do not have to go it alone.

Services that development companies like SDI provide can help you build your new business from the ground up, from the customer-facing website to the back-end operations, from the blog you want to create to the technical aspects of backing up and protecting your data. Instead of worrying about those details you can focus on building your new business venture and turning what many see as a curse into a life-changing blessing.

There are many reasons not to pursue your passions and many excuses for not going forward. If you have always wanted to be an entrepreneur but were afraid to get started, chances are your full-time career had something to do with it. After all, it is hard to give up the security and steady income of a full-time job for the uncertainty of running your own business.

Given the choice, many people will simply choose to stay where they are. They may not like their job or be fulfilled by what they do. They may hate their boss and despise the bureaucracy of the corporate world. They stay put anyway, lulled into inaction by that steady paycheck and scared to make a clean break.

If the above scenario describes you, it is time to think of your recent layoff as the best day of your life instead of the worst. Now you do not have to free yourself from the bureaucracy and suffocation of the corporate world because your boss has done it for you. Now that you have finally been freed from the drudgery of your corporate career, you are free to pursue your passions and focus on the things you want to do.

It is easy to get stuck in a rut, and even entrepreneurs can become too comfortable and lose focus on the things that matter. A business owner or entrepreneur may focus so much on achieving their goals that they lose sight of why those goals are important. They focus so much on meeting the needs of their current customers that they stop focusing on innovating and creating the products future customers will be clamoring for.

If you are ready to move forward and view your layoff as a blessing instead of a curse, now is the time to get going. You can start by putting your ideas down on paper, listing the things you want to do and the things you feel passionate about.

At SDI, we specialize in helping would-be entrepreneurs achieve their dreams and build their businesses. We have already helped hundreds, if not thousands, of entrepreneurs, launch their new businesses and take their existing firms to the next level. We specialize in taking dreams and making them into realities, and we can help you succeed as well. So congratulations on your layoff; you will look back on it as the best day of your life.

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