How to Make Money with a VR App for Daydream

August 26, 2016 | Raj Srivastav

VR is here and making its presence known in a big way! One of the things any good entrepreneur watches for is what the big boys in the industry are doing – big guys like Google. So what is this Mega-corporation doing?

Well, they just launched an entire OS designed to deliver a high quality, mobile virtual reality experience. And it seems like Nougat is really just a tantalizing hint of the real VR project – DayDream.

DayDream promises to be a VR game changer and it is 100% clear that Google has a huge investment in the project and in VR in general. In fact, Google seems to have made apps for VR and the platforms to support them a massive priority.

There are already VR startups cropping up all around DayDream (and it’s not even out yet!), thinking of fascinating new ways to take advantage of this evolving technology. One such startup is TheWaveVR.

What is this fledgling startup doing with VR? Changing the face of Live music – forever. This platform allows music lovers to jump into a VR musical show. Anywhere in the world, at any time – with other music lovers from around the globe!

So what made Finn Staber (the CEO of TheWaveVR) confident enough to build a VR platform for DayDream – which is even available to the market yet? First, there’s clearly a consumer hunger for VR and AR apps and second, he did exactly what we’re talking about:

It’s clear they’ve [Google] spent a lot of money internally.” – Finn Staber

Heck, Google is even partnering with the Live Streaming service Hulu to actually fund Youtube VR content. DayDream is specifically designed to not only promote VR and encourage User engagement, but to make Google the undeniable leader of Virtual Reality.

And more than that, Google has gone all in on the idea of Mobile VR (like Cardboard). While they’ve invested slightly in actual equipment, but Google clearly believes that the future of mobility and the future of VR are intertwined.

While other VR companies are spending money hand over fist on expensive equipment that won’t be market viable for another year or two, Google already has a VR platform launched. And there are literal billions of mobile devices in the world.

So why this push behind a tech that’s only just barely got started? Sure, Cardboard is cool, but is it worth the significant investment of money and time that Google has poured into it? The short answer? Yes, absolutey.

The technology behind VR promises to be one of, if not the biggest field in app tech by the end of this decade. Think about it: VR tech basically got started this year. Sure there were Oculus and others have been around for a few years.

But really, 2016 will be remembered in history as the year Apps for VR started to gain momentum. In the last year alone, sales of VR tech broke $1 billion (roughly $1.5 bil so far!), but that’s small potatoes compared to how much money this market can make.

Gartner and Bloomberg recently published their VR sales predictions for the next 4 years; honestly, as a VR app development we knew that this was a money making industry but these numbers surprised even us – :

1. 2017: $4 billion (doubled from this year);

2. 2018: $9 billion (doubled again);

3. 2019: $14 billion; and (drum roll please)

4. 2020: a whopping $21 billion

That’s right; Bloomberg and Gartner, two of the most respected names in the world of economics and market analysis, expect VR sales to go from less than a billion dollars in 2015 to over 20 just 5 short years later.

This all paints one hell of a clear picture: if you want to make money, you should be developing your own VR app for Android – or even for iOS and other platforms. Google is so committed to becoming the name in VR that they’ve developed Android Nougat VR SDKs for iPhone as well.

Even better news is that Google has an entire SDK meant for VR app developers. This SDK, known as Unity, streamlines VR app development for platforms across the board (not just DayDream and Cardboard.

Unity anticipates and rectifies common VR app issues, from binocular distortion to head tracking. With Unity, SDI’s VR app developers can rapidly design, develop, and launch a VR app for Cardboard and even Daydream. Heck, if you call now we might just be able to get your VR app ready for the launch of Daydream in about 1 month!

Right now is the perfect time to enter the market. With DayDream around the corner and Nougat so clearly designed for VR, apps for VR and AR will soon flood the market. But with our help, you can beat them to the market.

So, if you act quickly you will get to launch with DayDream, you will likely beat competitors to the punch, and you get your pick of the market. Our services are designed to help startups become money-making machines – from VR and beyond, we grow tech enterprise.

So what do you have to do to get started? Easy: pick up the phone and call 408.805.0495 / 408.621.8481 – or click to contact us. Either way, get in touch now for a free quote and consultation.

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