Increase Business: Start an Online Business Using SaaS

October 1, 2015 | Rob LaPointe

Increase Business: Start an Online Business Using SaaS
Increase Business: Start an Online Business Using SaaS

Software is essential to run almost all, if not all, modern businesses. Unfortunately, many companies use programs and software that are frustrating to use, buggy, and outdated. This probably describes a few entrepreneurs and CEOs out there.

The good news is that cloud computing has given rise to a whole new field of cloud-based applications, from platforms, to Informational Technology Management systems. One of the most useful (and successful) programs of this type is following Saas development process (Software-as-a-Service) programs. SaaS is an excellent money making tactic for any of your 2015 online business ideas. If you have an idea, get in touch with SDI, a Saas development company for your business. We guarantee 100% privacy of your idea and full ownership of the source code.

SaaS programs are extraordinarily useful. They can help any online (or off) business thrive and make millions in the process. Business ideas from moms to serial entrepreneurs can be extremely successful with a SaaS application.

It is one of the best cost-saving tactic a business owner can leverage. And they can be built for nearly any sector – online games or dating, ecommerce and even traditional businesses. You name it and SaaS can do it.

So is SaaS software the right decision for you? Why don’t we take a look at what a SaaS application can offer your online business idea?

Get Software Made for You, By You

One of the ongoing frustrations with off-the-shelf software (also known as prepackaged software and store-bought software) is that it’s designed to meet the needs of a wide swath of businesses. While this can work for a very low-tech business, it isn’t ideal. For tech business, it can be a death sentence.

This situation has probably happened to you if you have ever purchased software off the shelf: it costs an arm and a leg and then when you get home it doesn’t have the features you need. Which means you need to get back in the car, return the program and try it all over again.

A good development company can design SaaS applications to exacting specifications. Entrepreneurs can get software that meets their individual needs and not the collective needs of all businesses in their sector. No frustrations over limited functionality, no-repeat (or any) trips to the store, no fuss, no muss.

Saving You Money, One Update at a Time

Another ongoing annoyance with prepackaged software is the updates. First of all, who has the time to sit there for an hour while a program updates. Second, it’s very frustrating when an update causes bugs (as is common). Thirdly, the updates are in all the wrong places at all the wrong times.

The difference with SaaS is that updates are done by the guys who run the program, not by the business itself. No more avoiding updates to prevent productivity drops and bugs can be fixed simultaneously. Even better, SaaS updates occur much more often than non-SaaS, sometimes as often as once a week.

Cut Down on Your IT Costs

Because store-bought software can be ridiculously buggy, it’s almost always necessary to have a robust IT department. All too often, prepackaged software will crash (frequently taking down entire networks with them) and you absolutely will want to have someone there who can get your business up and running again.

Since SaaS applications are entirely cloud-based, IT isn’t the concern of the business using it. It is the purview of the providers, which means all bugs, issues, and catastrophes are handled by the provider. Which of course translates into thousands of dollars saved because your IT needs will plummet.

Be Secure with SaaS

This is one of the more nebulous (insert cloud-based pun here) benefits of SaaS programs. Security is a big issue these days, especially when it comes to cloud technologies. Most people feel that cloud data is more hackable because of its lack of a concrete location. But actually it’s just the opposite. Cloud data is incredibly secure, both from hacking and system failures, because of its non-physical storage (i.e. not on a hard drive).

Additionally, SaaS is more secure because there’s only one version of the software: Yours. Store-bought products are generic, easily acquired and can be easily hacked. With SaaS hackers can’t get a hold of your application, can’t easily get a hold of the architecture – and you can’t hack what you can’t see. This results in a product that is much safer and a business that is more secure.

Before signing a contract with a development partner, make sure of the following:

• Once completed, you own the source code. Not the development team, not a third party, you. And only you. This is important.

• Get an NDA signed before you relate the project details. While a company like SDI offers a 100% NDA guarantee, others won’t. Don’t get fooled, pick the right company from the get-go.

The Cloud is Good

We promise. There is a lot of push back against cloud computing, which is unfortunate. The cloud is made for businesses. Imagine your office free of servers, your information secure, your coffers on the rise, and your business running smoothly. That’s the cloud.

No matter your feelings on it, the cloud is here to stay. If you aren’t making use of the advantages it offers, you are missing out on a huge revenue-building opportunity. Don’t get left behind.

SaaS applications are enormously useful, but often CEOs don’t realize it’s advantages. This means that even if you don’t own a company that could utilize SaaS, you can easily and inexpensively build and sell a SaaS program. And they sell for bucko bucks!

Software Developers India is a SaaS, website and app development company based out of San Francisco. Our executive team cut their teeth at big tech companies such as HP, Cisco, Dell, & Apple before striking out on their own. Our websites and apps have achieved nationwide notice and several have been featured in huge publications, such as USA Today & Time. Call us now at 408.805.0495 to get 30% off your first project!

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