How to Create an Auction Website for My Business

March 17, 2016 | Raj Srivastav

How to Create an Auction Website for My Business
How to Create an Auction Website for My Business

Once, many moons ago, there was a fledgling auction startup known as ‘eBay’ (pronounced eee-bae). This startup began in what is known to historians as ‘the Dot Com Era.’ Many contemporaries thought this tiny little auction website would go belly up, like so many of the early web companies.

Many contemporaries thought this tiny little auction website would go belly up, like so many of the early web companies.

But instead Founding Father Pierre Omidyar, and First President Jeffrey Skoll defied expectations to become one of the largest and most profitable tech business Silicon Valley has ever known!

1. eBid

This company has been making some noise in the industry recently. While it wouldn’t be fair to say that eBid is making eBay quaking in its boots (currently going for $150 on their website!), the company has certainly made people sit up and notice. Unlike many competitors, eBid has no listing fees, making it the go-to choice for the frugal seller. Combined with a chance to eliminate auction fees for life (for a one time fee of about $100), this website is the site for those who plan on selling a lot.

2. GovDeals

This auction website is a great choice for those looking for a deal. It connects you to all sorts of Government auctions, for virtually anything. The government sells off old equipment to the public for a steal: you know when you’re howling down the freeway, definitely not breaking the speed limit? Then you see it – that iconic Crown Vic outline. You’ve been busted! You’re resigned to the fact you’re going to get pulled over, but then the “cop” passes by, all police symbols and sirens stripped. That’s from a government auction. GovDeals connects you to all of the different auctions throughout the U.S.

3. Property Room

Much like the Police Interceptors mentioned above, this website connects you to a government auction. Unlike GovDeals, Property Room narrowly focuses in on one type of auction: Houses and Real Estate. More real estate than you might think is seized by the police and the government can’t afford to hold onto it forever. The solution? Sell the seized property at a wickedly reduced price. Property Room lets the savvy real estate buyer find excellent property for stunningly low prices.

4. eBay

While eBay has already been discussed throughout this blog, there is no way a list of auction websites is complete without the venerable eBay on it. Beyond its clear success as a tech innovator, eBay also offers the largest array of any auction items. Unlike many other bidding websites, eBay does not target a niche population. As one of the oldest bidding websites out there, they did not face the same competition that new startups will. As a result, eBay’s listings contain everything from collectible Star Wars trading cards (not that I’ve ever bought or sold any of those…) to vehicles and jewelry.

Actually, this is a good time to point out another market opportunity: eBay, ever the disrupter, has just released a new “one-tap” buy option. This allows buyers to quickly purchase an item (at the “buyout” price). The opportunity? Well, eBay outsourced the work to a little startup called Shyp. Like Paypal, eBay reached outside their organization to grow. In other words, you can get into the booming auction website industry without actually being auctioneers. With an out of the box idea, success can be found with a little hard work and the right partner.


Another auction site aimed at the Sellers, this relatively new company lets people migrate their sell lists from both CraigsList and eBay, making this an excellent option for those people who maintain several auction accounts across a multitude of websites. A simple, logical and well designed listings UI further increases its value to the seller. Seeing as how most bidding websites make their money from sellers and not buyers, it’s probably a good idea to make sure they’re pleased!

Your Auction Site Builders

With over 15 years of experience across 4,000 different clients, we’ve built websites for every industry out there – including auction websites. We aren’t just developers; we’re an entrepreneurial workshop where we create innovative strategies and projects. We can take your bidding website from conception to development, plus work with you to create effective market strategies.

We know auction website development and you know your business – Let’s create a success story, together. Our offices from Silicon Valley to Australia mean you can give us a call at 408.805.0495 at any time.or contact us. Get in touch soon for a free consultation.

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