Build a Dating App That Really Works

November 20, 2019 | Sakshi Sharma

Dating Apps have revolutionalized that way we meet others, and have given typically busy people a chance to engage with potential partners on an entirely different interface. Technology is officially assisting people with their interpersonal relationships and has actually been successful. Each year, there are more and more success stories of couples who are getting married after meeting on a dating app. If it makes you happy bringing people together and making an impact on people’s lives, keep reading to find out how to build a successful dating app.

What do consumers look for?

The first step you must take before getting started is determining who the audience of your dating app will be. This is where you can get creative and have your dating app really stand out compared to others. Perhaps you have an idea to unite people of certain demographics who are looking for a potential partner. Examples of these types of apps/platforms include JSwipe (for Jewish singles), Christian Mingle (for Christian singles), or (for non-Urban singles).

Then, you want to think about what type of traits you would use to successfully create long-lasting matches. This is where you can get really creative and attract users to your app.

For example, a dating app called “Tastebuds” advertises themselves as an app that matches people according to their music tastes. Another example is an app called “Happn” which only allows you to match with people you have physically crossed paths with, which could be desirable for people who would like to connect with others that live in the area so that setting updates could be easier for them. There is also another dating app called “How About We”, which matches people according to tasks and activities that they would like to do on the first date, allowing partners to enjoy something they both like doing.

A more well known and highly used app is called “Bumble”, and they are unique because you can filter for certain traits you are looking for in a partner, and after swiping for a match, the woman is required to make the first move within 24 hours, otherwise, the match will disappear. This forces an exciting non-traditional approach to dating, where women are required to make the first move, and also entices users to check back on the app on a daily basis.

Another known dating app is called “Badoo”, which is a non-swiping dating app that narrows your candidate pool. The algorithm narrows the pool of potential matches by analyzing a photo of a celebrity that you upload and finding matches that physically fit their appearance. This app is useful for people who place physical attraction high on their list of “must-haves” in a partner and makes the process much quicker for these individuals as well.

A feature that most of all the more popular apps have in common is Geolocation. The most commonly known app, Tinder, got its popularity by having a simple interface and having a geolocation filter that allows you to look for matches within a certain mile range. If you want to build an app like Tinder, which has found tremendous success, you might want to consider adding or even improving the geolocation feature.

How to Build a Dating App

There, now after you have determined your unique matching style, it is time to build your app. This is where SDI can help you build the perfect user interface to capture your audience and execute your idea. The interface of the app can be easy to use and visually appealing as to not intimidate any users who are already making themselves vulnerable to the dating scene. Perhaps you want a “swiping” interface like Bumble and Tinder, or maybe you want to create a complex algorithm to narrow down a pool of matches. Whichever method you choose, we will be able to implement it for you.

How to Monetize

After your app has been built, you probably want to think of ways to monetize your new app. On average, dating app users spend about 80 minutes per day on mobile dating apps, which makes it a great platform for monetization. Tinder has introduced features such as unlimited right swipes, which also keeps users on the app for a longer period of time. Other companies allow your account to get boosted for more visibility, and can also integrate ad-free features. To gain money from your app for users who don’t want to pay, advertising is the way to go. Statistics show that 90% of dating apps gain their revenue from advertisements.


If you have an idea for a unique dating app development that’ll bring people together, please reach out to us at SDI! We’ll execute an NDA and help you build a road map to create a dating app that truly works. We will also talk about the cost of building your dating app. Our company has worked with prominent brands such as Pepsi, Marvell, and Benefit Cosmetics, so you can be sure that our experienced team will be able to execute your grand ideas, Contact us Today.

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