Ambient User Experience- How to Interact With a 3D World

May 12, 2016 | Rob LaPointe

We talk a lot about upcoming trends on this blog; from mCommerce and the IoT, we covered how tech can help grow your enterprise venture. Recently, we’ve also covered Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR and AR, respectively) devices and apps – both are growing industries that are pushing the bounds of how we interact with reality.

But we aren’t here to talk about any of that today. Today, we’re here to talk about something that is vastly cooler. I know, I know, what can be cooler than virtually created digital environments designed to your specifications? Well, how about the Iron Man-esq technology known as an Ambient User Experience. (AUX).

What the heck is that you might be asking – and rightly so. While developers and tech gurus have been working on this for a few years now, they’re getting ever closer to perfecting it. So what is it? How does it change the way we interact with the world? Why are we so excited about it? And most importantly, why is this new tech important to the entrepreneurs of the world? Let’s dive deeper into these key questions.

What is Ambient User Experience ?

AUX essentially projects a device screen onto the real world. This is similar to AR but is not quite the same. The key difference is interaction and manipulation. With AUX, a user is capable of actually touching and manipulating the projections their device is making. Yep, wasn’t kidding about that whole Iron Man thing!

As this trend continues to grow more advanced (and as Wearable Tech gets more popular), the need for newly designed apps will grow as well. The ambiance is meant to appear as part of your world and a new Ambience User Interface will need to be designed to fit in with this ideal. And it doesn’t end there – the very features presented will be changed by Ambience.

Ambience takes advantage of what has become known as the Device Mesh. The Device Mesh essentially refers to each and every device people use to access the internet. Everything from your FitBit to your Android or iOS SmartPhone is included in this Mesh. Ambiance creates an immersive experience that flows across all devices a person owns or uses.

Now is the part where those with their own apps are starting to get nervous; “wait are you telling me my app is going to be out of date soon??!” But don’t worry. While this trend is growing in popularity, it will be sometime before your app UX/UI is obsolete. Of course, that isn’t to say you should hesitate to get on board! Now is the time to get your app Ambience-ready. And don’t stress about the cost: SDI can get it done quickly and inexpensively – and without code error.

Why Are We So Excited?

Because it’s awesome! This is the stuff our developers dreamed of working with when they were growing up. I mean, it’s literally the stuff from movies. More than that, it’s a continuous experience across all and any device used. This opens up huge new opportunities for brand building and user engagement.

Think about it – people are in your app, tapping away. But then they need to go, so they put away their device. With AUX and the growth of Wearables, putting away a phone will not necessarily mean a user stops engaging with your product. The experience can continue across a user’s entire life, ensuring continual engagement with your app.

Moreover, we’re excited about this because it will literally change every aspect of modern society. While Google Glass may have flopped at first, Google has a long track record of making things work – and making them work well. The Glass and similar technologies are expected to make it big in the next few years, but it’s unlikely that other mobile technologies are going to disappear. This means that the trend towards multi-platform usage will only grow, and Ambience User Experience will grow right alongside it.

Why Should Entrepreneurs Care?

The Ambience User Experience trend is so big that it made Gartner’s Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends of 2016. Gartner’s report stated that the legendary analytics firm believes AUX design will be a major factor of all app and website development companies by 2018! Gartner has correctly identified one key fact: that modern computing and internet-interaction is all about seamless shifting between multiple platforms – and that this is especially useful for a business.

Since employees of most business conduct work across several different devices; AUX provides the opportunity to turn this into a business-growth opportunity. This new trend is likely to grow exceptionally fast. Our strategists who have been following this trend think that it may be adopted even faster than mobile apps themselves. Additionally, AUX opens up whole new areas of interaction between the digital and real worlds. All in all, Ambience represents one of the single greatest market opportunities we’ve seen since the first iPhone dropped.

Ready to get started on your own Ambience User Experience App? SDI can help get your app ready for the future – or we can build a whole new app designed around this new trend. We can create an app that provides a completely new, seamless, multi-platform experience for your users. Grow your business and make some money with our help! Call us at 408.621.8481, or simply click and email to have us call you!

Check out our profile on Clutch today and get a free quote for your business.

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