Mobile App Design and Development – Tips and Myths

May 24, 2017 | Sakshi Sharma

The mobile industry certainly goes through rapid changes each year, as new devices launch, platforms are tweaked, and app trends rise and fall. Perhaps, the mobile app development scene continues on, but perhaps it has transformed to the next level while you weren’t looking? Let me share the common app development myths that you can forget about for 2017

1. Mobile apps are relatively low in cost

Even though mobile app development does benefit from really stellar SDKs and knowledge-bases which helps streamline the process, not every mobile app is going to be cheap. Great & innovative ideas require huge & versatile backend and logistical support. Business apps notably tend to be more complex than their face-value suggests, considering things like admin capabilities, security, analytics and other behind-the-scenes elements that are important to business apps.

That being said, app development can be a surprisingly affordable way to bring an idea to market, it all depends on the complexity of the idea. Consumer apps which use common functionalities but combine and present them in innovative ways can often cost less than $10,000 start to finish—but you can’t always rely on that. You’ll need to approach multiple mobile app development companies to get their quotes and research their capabilities to get an accurate understanding on what they can do with your specific idea.

2. Launching the App is just enough

So, you have completed development and launched the app. It’s live, and working, you breathe a sigh of relief and sit back. Do you think that you are done here? Nope. Featured apps like Uber didn’t get where they are by sitting on their hands. People think that an app is a passive income generator, but it requires more effort than you might think.

There are a lot of things you can do after launching to make it a success. There will likely be bug-fixes, promotions, updates, & not to mention your marketing efforts (which I’ll get into a bit further down). When new OS updates are released, you’ll need to reiterate development to stay optimized. Based on the design standards change, you have to make tweaks to stay modern. None of these tasks will be particularly painful, but just know that app ownership won’t always be a hands-off joyride. Don’t worry though, if you have the right development team, they’ll help you through everything.

3. iOS – the only platform

While iOS is a great starter platform for new ideas, it is not advisable to ignore other platforms since iOS isn’t the only platform that commands a good chunk of users. Android is certainly a must, and for many markets. There are so many different devices which makes it a little difficult to develop on but regardless it should be considered when developing an app. If you are on a strict budget to start, iOS would be the best option for your initial release, but if you want optimal & streamlined growth, you need to go for Android ASAP.

4. Mobile optimized website is enough for my Business

Having a mobile friendly website is the minimum requirement for any business in 2017. Having this is vital, but it won’t put you ahead of the competition anymore. If you want to get a bit of an edge, mobile apps can provide much greater flexibility with access to the fantastic onboard hardware in modern phones. They are also faster, more user-friendly, easier on batteries and data plans, and more accessible to users.

5. App features is proportional to App success

Mobile apps are pretty well ingrained in our society, and they do a lot of different things. It can be easy these days to see all the cool stuff being done by other apps and get caught up in a desire to cram your own app with all kinds of stuff. However, this really isn’t ideal. Adding too much to the app will just overwhelm the user experience, making it harder to teach new users and acquire a strong following within your niche. There are some apps around nowadays that have tons of functionalities and are quite successful, but keep in mind that these apps grew over time, they didn’t start out so stuffed with features.

6. App store marketing will do the rest

It’s true that app stores are an absolute godsend for distribution, and the built-in marketing can be great; especially if you manage to get featured by the editors, or make your way onto a trending list. But outside of those avenues, you’ll be competing with a lot of other apps for exposure, so you should take steps to gain awareness elsewhere. Social media, blogs, review sites, events, and more can all be amazing opportunities for marketing your app—jump on those opportunities, because your app deserves every little boost you can give it.

Turn your Killer App ideas into million dollar business with the Global Mobility Experts

Is 2017 your year? Software Developers India is here to help your mobile app ideas get transformed into game-changing Business. Meet our Mobility specialists today for a free quote. Give us a call at 408.805.0495 or email to learn more about our app design, development and marketing services.

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