Tips for Biz growth: How a Mobile Website will be the HERO for your Startup

June 10, 2015 | Natasha Singh

Tips for biz growth: How a mobile website will be the HERO for your Startup
Tips for biz growth: How a mobile website will be the HERO for your Startup

We all know the stats out there: 40% of all internet traffic is done on mobile devices currently. It will surpass desktop traffic within 5 years. The desktop is going the way of the dinosaur. People in 50 years will marvel that we were able to ever use such massive computing devices.

Those of you who are as old as I remember vividly the dot-com era. Some things the Dot Commerce did were crazy and totally unnecessary (probably has nothing to do with the dot-com bubble burst….). However, other things they pioneered became the basis for modern e-commerce.

For instance, remember Circuit City, Blockbuster, and The Good Guys? I just looked them up and neither do I. That’s because they ignored the need for Brick-and-Mortar shops to create a digital presence, and are now dead.

20 years ago it was creating a website at all. Today it’s creating a mobile-friendly website. Don’t go the way of Radio Shack (seriously, is anyone else amazed whenever they see a Radio Shack outlet?) – create your mobile-friendly website today. Here 3 tips on how to use a mobile website to growth hack your business.

1. Responsive Web Design

RWD is a term with which most web designers and Android and iOS app developers are overly familiar. Yet still, the majority of websites out there are designed for desktop-first use.

It’s an old way of thinking, and one that is destructive to your business. Responsive Web Design is a web architecture meant for viewing across any platform regardless of shape, size and resolution of the screen. Cross-platform connectivity is where the world is heading. Get on board, before you’re too late.

Even better, RWD is an easily adaptive structure that allows webmasters to easily fix bugs and make changes to the website. Customers are growing to expect feedback they provide will be answered quickly. Having a site designed to make said changes is smart planning from the get-go.

The final important aspect of responsive design is that search engines love it. Google and other search engines have recently changed their search algorithms to favor mobile-friendly websites. This means more than just favoring sites with RWD, but an adaptive design is a step in the right direction.

2. Google, Bing, Yahoo….Oh and Google

Hey google’s up there twice! Yep – with a controlling 68% of the search engine market, Google is that important. Google Search recently changed their algorithm to give priority to mobile-friendly websites and apps over desktop sites – for once trailing behind Bing.

This change, lovingly called “mobilegeddon” by the blogosphere, didn’t end the world as some SEO/SM marketers feared, but there was a definite impact. A business that had not optimized for mobile-friendliness began to see an impact in leads and Google rankings shortly after the update.

Making your website mobile friendly is a good step in the right direction to being prepared for the 21st century. Keep in mind, we’re nearly two decades into that century now, so if you aren’t mobile-friendly, you’re pretty far behind.

3. The Obvious, but Most Important, One

Look, any businessman worth his salt sees where the business world is heading. If you haven’t gone digital, you’re either serving your (very) local town, or you’re going/gone bankrupt (#Blockbuster).

It’s important to realize that the world is moving to a mobile-friendly orientation. You think that it’s bad now, but it’s only going to get worse. With things like the Facebook Lite Android App being realized last week, the world is becoming more and more connected and a smaller place.

Emerging markets are the next big thing. In fact, that’s inaccurate. Emerging markets are a big thing. If you’re looking at it as something to get on board with in the future, you need to catch up. Immediately.

If you doubt that statement remember these factoids: by 2016 India will surpass the U.S. in the number of mobile SM users; by 2020, 80% of all smartphone users will be in the Asia Pacific. Yea, 80%. Crazy, right? Get caught up.

Ready to Go?

The good news is you aren’t alone. Software Developers India has been doing this for 15+ years and can help make your company mobile-friendly quicker than you thought possible. Not only that, but we specialize in stunning, high quality UIs combined with rock-bottom pricing.

Everybody has a dream, the real question is how many achieve it? At SDI we turn dreams into a profitable business. If you are ready to get started you can call us on 408.805.0495 or email us. You can also contact us immediately for a free website consultation!

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