Mobile App Design Checklist That Will ROCK Your Business

May 21, 2015 | Raj Srivastav

Mobile app design checklist that will ROCk your business
Mobile app design checklist that will ROCk your business

We all know how popular apps are today, and while designing your own may seem intimidating, it’s important to remember that every app in the world started with an idea, just like yours. Turning your idea into an app shouldn’t cost you an insane amount of money, and it doesn’t need to be a pain in the butt, either. Here are some insider tips on how you can develop a winning mobile app.

Conception and Pre-development

While you may want to jump right into developing your mobile app, don’t. You need to answer some questions first, so you can have a clear direction you and your team can follow.

1. First, why are you making this? Is there a problem you are trying to fix (i.e. other apps targeting the same issue are subpar, or there are no apps targeting the problem)? Your mobile app needs to be a solution to a problem, or there is no reason to download it.

2. Do some research. Knowing your competition will help you design a better mobile app. What does the competition do well, and what is done poorly? How can you make it better? If there are no apps out there doing what you want to do, make sure that there is a demand for your app. Know your target market, and if they will need or use your app.

3. Draw your mobile app idea on paper. It will help you to see your idea actually sketched out. You can easily make basic design changes, and hammer out a rough idea of what your finished product will look like. Don’t worry about making it look pretty – making your design attractive and modern will part of the actual development process.

4. Work out the technical aspects of your app. Figure out what you want your mobile app to, and figure out if it’s possible. Decide whether you want to use an Android mobile app platform or an iOS platform (or both, or all). Try to pick one platform to debut on, and expand from there. Don’t be sold to every detail of your idea; flexibility is necessary! Be prepared to make some changes to your mobile app throughout the development cycle.

Market Strategies and Development

5. How will you market your product, and turn it into a money maker? It’s important to know how your idea can be sold, and how it will make money. Otherwise, investors won’t be interested in you, or your project. Remember, free apps get more downloads, so look into how you can monetize your mobile app without charging to download it.

6. Now it’s time for “wireframing.” This is the process where you create an actual (rough) prototype of your app. There are several good online tools to help with wireframing, such as Marvel, , so look around for good resources. Prototyping is also useful in receiving capital from investors – it shows them that you are capable of following through on your idea. Don’t forget to test any prototype you make, especially if showing it to possible investors.

7. Find a development partner. While creating an app is relatively simple an easy, you want your app to noticed. The more downloads your app has, the more likely you are to be successful. Mobile app development companies have exposure to the inner workings of more apps than you. Make use of that experience to help make your app look sleek, modern, and hip.

8. Designing layout details is possibly the most essential aspect of a mobile app development. Consistency, use of color, font and “trendy” layouts are the design aspects that should receive the closest attention. This is also where having a mobile app development firm can come in handy.

• Be consistent. Don’t pick one design layout on one page, and another on a second. It is annoying and will turn off users. Pick something, and stick with it.

• The use of color can create a ranking in the minds of users. Use gradients of colors to indicate button importance – so use darker gradients for buttons that you want users to really focus on, and lighter gradients as the importance of each button decreases. Color can also be important depending on the geographic location of your target market. For instance, red frequently means stop many cultures, so you don’t color “proceed” or affirmation buttons red.

• Font may not seem important, but it is. There are several common fonts out there, so find one that works for you. Try and use one that is familiar, and absolutely make sure that it is completely legible.

• Trendy, hip, modern are all important buzz words today. The last thing you want is an app that feels or looks outdated and clunky. Do some research to see what is “cool” and incorporate those aspects into your own app. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you like the design – you already like the product. You want a design that will interest your target market and stimulate their aesthetic preferences.

9. You’re almost there! What you have now is a alpha product – the last major step prior to release. This is where you test (again) your product for any last bugs or design issues. Make sure your design is consistent, clean, and easily understood. Any major issues should be worked out before your release. While there will be things to correct after release, you don’t want any big or obvious problems.

10. Release! You’ve identified an issue that needs to be fixed, developed a stellar mobile app that perfectly addresses your issue, and now you’re ready to put your mobile app on the market. Make sure you publicize the event as much as possible – an app development process really helps here. Social media marketing is a key component to success, to create pages for your app on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media outlets. The more people are exposed to your app, the more likely they will be to download it.

Rinse and Repeat

That’s it!…Except it isn’t. In order to run a successful app business, constant updating and revision are necessary. You will need to constantly update and improve your app to keep relevant, and if you started on a single mobile platform, you need to look into expanding to others. Make sure to collect and incorporate customer feedback constantly.

So, you got a great idea waiting to be turned into an app that changes the world? Don’t do it alone! Software Developers India can help you realize your goal in an efficient and cost-effective manner. SDI has offices around the world, but keeps development in India, lowering development costs while still maintaining a local presence throughout the globe.

Our strategists in Silicon Valley act as game changers for your business idea! Call us at 408.805.0495, or email us today for a free quote and consultation on your mobile app.

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