How to Build Successful Apps for iPhone 6s

September 23, 2015 | Natasha Singh

How to Build Successful Apps for iPhone 6s
How to Build Successful Apps for iPhone 6s

iOS apps are a thing of beauty. They require attention, detail, logical design, and an overall gorgeous UX. As an experienced app development company, SDI long ago realized that these are the reasons that iOS apps make much more money than Android, despite Android’s 75%+ control of the app market. So if you have a great idea, we can help you show off your app :)

During the 2 decades we have been doing this, our developers have managed to hammer down the perfect strategy for Apple apps – everything from prototyping to development to market strategy. Of course, the one thing about working in the tech world is that techies love to be disruptive; and that disruption is continual.

CEO Tim Cook has followed through on this trend with a new advancement in Smartphone technology: the 3D Touch and live pictures. Some of the major apps and social media sites out there are already on board (Dropbox and Facebook, for example), but the rest of us have to get caught up.

Fortunately for app owners everywhere, SDI is well-equipped to handle big changes – especially with Apple and their biannual updates! Let’s go over how to build a successful iPhone 6s apps – what’s remaining the same and what’s changing.

The Same


iOS is known for its design. They cut their teeth by creating a UX design that is the absolute best. iOS developers are able to charge for their apps (as opposed to Android developers) because of this. It’s so much part of their global image that even Apple detractors will (begrudgingly) admit that iOS apps are exceptionally well-crafted.


Marketing for an app is pretty much unchanged. The only real change is pushing the fact that your app is iPhone 6s ready – Apple users love being on the cutting edge, so play off of that. Otherwise, marketing remains relegated to the big 3:

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Creating a targeted message based on the SM platform you are using is an essential part of modern marketing. Remember, Twitter is different than Pinterest and Pinterest is different than Facebook. Each attract a certain clientele, so make sure your marketing strategy accounts for this.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

While SEO is becoming steadily less important, it’s still a vital aspect to marketing today. Make sure you have good keyword phrases (though not too many) and that your website is mobile friendly.

App Store Optimization (ASO)

Very similar to SEO, ASO focuses on how to rank in the app store. Read more about the App Store process here.


iOS apps make money – Yes, this point has been mentioned a few times but that’s because it’s true. And, after all, we’re all here to make us some cash, right? Fortunately, about the only thing to change when it comes to monetizing an iPhone 6s app is that it will be easier the quicker you get it to market. Having an early app compatible with the new features will cement you as an early mover. Any entrepreneur will tell you how big of a barrier to competitors this creates.


Unlike David Bowie, we do want to be richer men – and the new iPhone features are a huge step down the path to increased wealth. The biggest new features (3D Touch and Live Pictures) are a big step in revolutionizing how we use our mobile devices.

3D Touch

3D Touch was designed to save users time. Its Pop and Peek features allow users to easily view and interact with in-app information, links, addresses, and so on. The trick for developers will be to make sure their app is fully integrated with Peek and Pop. It may seem like hyperbole, but this is really a big deal. It’s one of those moments in history where failed entrepreneurs look back and wish they had jumped on the bandwagon. Soon, this will be a standard feature for all smartphones; don’t let your company fall behind the curve.

Live Photos

Phones are no longer a simple communication device. They are personal assistants, mobile research engines, health aids, a guidance device – and a camera. Live Photos is Apple’s reinterpretation of how we take photos. They’ve melded video and photos to create a picture that exists over 3 seconds – a great feature for those of us who always just barely miss that perfect shot.

This isn’t a big deal for the general app developer, but if you happen to be in the photo or photo sharing business, you should get on board ASAP! Tim Cook also revealed improvements in the camera itself, so be prepared for a renewed interest in high-quality phone photography.

SDI is an app development firm that specializes in UX and UI design. We have developed hundreds of iOS and Android apps, for thousands of customers. As a Bay Area locals, we are in the heart of all things tech and our ear is always on the tech pulse. We can help get your iPhone app ready to function perfectly on the 6s (or any phone for that matter) in a very short period of time. Get in touch now to get started and let’s make some money!

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